Aaronson Jehoszua Mosze (c. 1910 – 1993, Israel) – rabbi from Sanniki.
During World War II, Aaronson was one of the prisoners of the German Nazi labour camp Konin-Czarków and one of the few who managed to survive. During his stay in the camp, he wrote a shocking diary in Yiddish, which included lists with the names of prisoners deported to the camp. Aaronson hid the diary in two bottles. The document has not survived in its entirety. It was published after the war in Hebrew in the collection Alei Merorot[1.1]. For information about the publication of the diary, see: Rabbi Yehoshua Moshe Aaronson [Accessed: 12 May 2015].
- [1.1] Based on: Konin – Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities in Poland, Vol. 1 [online] http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/pinkas_poland/pol1_00235.html [Acceed on: 12 May 2015]; Krzewińska H., “Zagłada Żydów gąbińskich (cz. II),” Notatki Płockie 2000, no. 4, passim.