“Fabryka Wyrobów Metalowych ‘Alpacca King’” (“Alpacca King” Metal Products Factory) in Sosnowiec operated during the interwar period. In 1938, it was located at 35b Prezydenta Mościckiego Street. Judka Fajner was its owner, and I.A. Fajner served as commercial proxy. The initial capital amounted to PLN 25,542.57. The enterprise employed 23 workers and produced alpacca products, including tableware (alpacca or new silver is a copper alloy with nickel). Sales were conducted by representative offices in Bielsko, Katowice, Kraków, and Warsaw. In 1936, the value of sales amounted to ca. PLN 55,000.


  • Rocznik polskiego przemysłu i handlu (Yearbook of Polish Industry and Trade), Warsaw 1938, no. 2620.

The Project was co-financed by the Kronenberg Foundation at Citi Handlowy.
