Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
Virtual Shtetl portal has been financed by means of Ministry of Culture and National Heritage "National Heritage" Program, priority 4: "Creating digital resources for the cultural heritage"
Jewish Cultural Heritage project
Polish-Norwegian bilateral activities in 2017" supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the Norway and EEA Grants and co-financed by the Polish funds.
The Virtual Shtetl project is supported by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
The Kronenberg Foundation
Inspired by the work of Leopold Kronenberg, an outstanding financier, philanthropist and culture patron, Foundation focuses our efforts on economic education and the protection of cultural heritage.
Jewish Historical Institute
In cooperation with The Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute, the Museum of the History of Polish Jews publishes chosen photographs from the Institute's collection on the Virtual Shtetl portal.
Koret Fundation
For almost half a century, the Foundation has devoted its resources to elevating the quality of life for all who live in the Bay Area and to supporting the vitality of the worldwide Jewish community.
Jewish Community of Warsaw
The Jewish Community of Warsaw, with a branch in Lublin, is one of seven organizations forming the Union of Jewish Communities in Poland.
Jewish Records Indexing – Poland
The Virtual Shtetl and Jewish Records Indexing – Poland share the genealogical resources.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Photos published on portal are obtained thanks to the courtesy of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Shalom Foundation
Photos from collection „I ciągle widzę ich twarze” are published due to courtesy of Shalom Foundation.
Institute of Adam Mickiewicz
Institute of Adam Mickiewicz, which made available the material from the Diapozytyw Portal to the Museum of the History of Polish Jews.
Billion is one of projects of; preserves precious records found in cemeteries throughout the world.