
Province: Łódź Voivodeship / Łódź Voivodeship (before 1939)
County: Radomsko / Radomsko (before 1939)
Community: Radomsko / Radomsko (before 1939)
Other names: Radomsko [official language]; Radomsko [English]; Radomsko / Радомско [German / Russian]; ראדומסק [Yiddish]; ראדומסק [Hebrew]
GPS: 51.0669° N / 19.4450° E, 51°4'0" N / 19°26'42" E


Radomsko – is a town in central Poland. It is situated on the Radomka river in the Łódź Voivodeship. It is the capital of Radomsko County.


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