The oldest Jewish cemetery in Wroclaw probably originated from the end of the 12th century. It was situated on the road to the Walońska settlement (Osada Walońska). The origins of the cemetery can be traced back to 1315–1316. At that time the town council and the kehilla reached a settlement regarding the boundaries of the cemetery as well as the terms of use. The cemetery at Przedmieście Oławskie was 280 feet long and 150 feet wide, it extended along the city moat, between what is now Traugutta Street, Wróblewskiego Square and Krasińskiego Street. The cemetery area covered approximately five morgens (≈1.35 hectares). In 1345 the Czech King John of Bohemia (Jan Luksemburski) allowed the town council to use the tombstones from the cemetery to both reinforce the battlements and to build the town hall. Although the cemetery was destroyed it was still used by the Jews. After the pogrom in 1349 the cemetery became crown property. The cemetery was finally closed after the Jews were driven out of Wroclaw in 1453. Eventually, 22 tombstones were found but the majority of them were destroyed. Five tombstones from the years 1203-1345 were mounted into the cemetery wall at Ślężna Street before World War II.
